Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Potty Woes

Potty Training -- the two words that strike fear in the parents of toddlers everywhere. Well . . . now I know why . . .

Addie is 2 and 1/2 years old. All of the books say that 2 and 1/2 is plenty old enough to learn the art of pottying. So, this past weekend, as instructed by "Potty Training for Dummies," me and my little precious had "Potty Boot Camp." Addie woke up Saturday morning and it was full on potty time. My Mom was in town to help me with a little remodeling (posts on that later). Bless her heart, she got to start potty training by herself while I was out running some early morning errands. When I returned home, Addie had wet approximately 8 pairs of underwear in about 2 hours without one successful potty attempt. But, she refused to put on panties so we kept going. However, every time we took her to the potty we had a crying screaming fit about having to sit on it.

At the end of Day 1 we had 10 pairs of soaked drawers and NO successful potty time. I was beginning to think that Addie was not ready. I mean, the book says that even if your child has all of the signs of readiness but exhibits a "bad attitude" about pottying, then maybe they aren't ready. I figured the full out temper tantrum on the floor to avoid the potty was a "bad attitude," so I was willing to give in.

At the beginning of Day 2, Addie woke up and flat out refused diapers. She opted instead for "Tinka-bell" panties. So, she wore panties all day. 3 pairs of panties later, we had ONE successful potty attempt. Count it -- ONE successful potty attempt in 48 hours, but a small victory nonetheless.

On Day 3, Addie had to return to daycare. I took her in Pull-Ups, even though I was staunchly against using them. I just could not in good conscience send her to school in a pair of panties when I knew she would likely go on the floor. But, apparently those ladies at daycare know what they are doing. Addie had a "good" day with pottying. She succumbed to peer pressure and went with the bathroom because the other kids were doing it. (Aside - although I am thrilled at this development, I will now watch her very closely for any following into bad behavior!)

This morning, Addie woke up in a great mood, skipped to the bathroom and used her potty chair without issue. She was very excited to put a sticker on her potty chart that she then proceeded to hug and tell it that she "loved it best."

I guess the moral of this story is, at the end of the day, my little girl will be potty trained. When it doubt, give it up to the professionals! And, you can be replaced in your child's heart by a piece of poster board.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray Addie! And Hooray Mommy for sticking with it! Beau's giving me lots of signals he might be ready, but I don't even want to think about it until we have Charlie in more of a routine. Good luck!

    Oh, and your comment about bad behavior made me giggle. When Beau had been at school for only one month we had a report sent home saying how Beau had taught the entire class how to open the front door and flee. :/ Oops.
