Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa Woes

My daughter is a regular Carmen San Diego (in case you missed this 1980s pop culture reference, she is a mysterious detective).

Anyway, Adelaide found her Christmas presents yesterday. She was so excited to see the Angelina Ballerina doll that we got her for Christmas. She eagerly grabbed up the box, looked at me and exclaimed "Mommy, Lina!"

And, I had to sit there like the Grinch that I am and break her heart. "No, baby," I answered, "That is for somebody else." Well, my almost two-year old was not having it. Ryan threw a sweatshirt over it and took her to her room to watch "Lina" hoping that she would forget about the doll. Little did he know that as soon as he walked out she would sneak back into our bedroom and remove the sweatshirt. Luckily for me, I was on the bed and she didn't notice me in her haste to see her Christmas presents again.
So, needless to say, I've got to find a better hiding place. But, for now, I have one broken hearted baby who does not realize that she will get her "Lina" on Christmas morning. Poor thing! Here's to hoping that all of those rumors that little kids forget everything are true!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas

Hi everyone! I know that I have been slow (ok non-existent) with my blogging activities. I blame that all on my lost camera cord and the fact that I have zero time for anything fun, including blogging. But, better late than never right?

My sweet friend Rachel took some Christmas pics for us and I had to share the best family one! If you want to see some more, check our her blog at She is such a talent! And, I just happen to love her (and her whole family) so a little plug for her up and coming photography business suits me just fine!

Addie is growing up! She is not the baby girl that I used to know, but a full blown walking/running/talking toddler. She is very independent and lets you know exactly what she wants and what she doesn't. Lately, we have fought every morning about what she is going to wear: "No Mommy, I don't want that jacket." "No Mommy, I want my boots." You get the drift. So, needless to say, I am letting her "help" with choosing her outfits. I swear, I did not realize that I had a 13 year old living with me!

I have a new camera and a new video camera and I PROMISE to post more stuff. But, for now, I'll leave you with this pic: