Monday, March 30, 2009

Adelaide's Christening

Adelaide was christened on March 29, 2009 at Blackwater United Methodist Church. It was wonderful to have our family present to witness this blessed event! All of her aunts, uncles, counsins, grandparents and great-grandparents were in attendance! Addie wore a christening dress that was made by her Leenie's best friend's (KK Vardell) mom for Jenny when she was christened 26 years ago. The dress is just a gorgeous today as it was when I wore it for the first time! Ms. Linda Franklin made a beautiful slip to add a tier to the dress for Addie. We plan to add a tier for each generation, and continue to pass down this family heirloom. Addie is the first grandchild the wear the dress and we were so excited for someone to wear it again! The party after the christening was a lot of fun! Addie received some beautiful gifts from everyone! Her cousins, Caitlin, Cole and Amelia Kate helped me open the gifts! Here are some pics of Addie in her dress! She was just beautiful! She looked like a little doll!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

One Month Old

Well, Addie is one month old. She has grown so fast, already 8 pounds and 5 ounces! We are so proud of our big girl! And, she had her first real bath this month. Gone are the screaming fits at every bath time. She loves being able to get into the warm water of her tub and just hang out! Here are some pics from the first bath. She was so surprised when we put her in the water! She is also sucking on her thumb alot. We are trying to stop this habit before it gets out of hand. But, when she wants to comfort herself, the first thing she does it stick her thumb in her mouth! We are taking her first formal portraits this month, which should be fun!