Thursday, October 6, 2011

Its getting closer . . .

I guess the title of this post should be "it's ALL getting closer." This fall will go down in the history books as being the most wonderful and busy falls of the McLin family. We have not one but two monumental events that will take place within mere weeks, if not days (hopefully not hours) of each other.

First up, Victor and Amanda's wedding! My baby brother is getting married in less than 30 days. And, the parties are upon us. We have two showers this weekend, the bachelor/bachelorette parties next weekend and then "Wedding Week."

Next (or maybe first, who knows), Sara Frances will make her debut. Of course, given my history, we really have no idea when this will occur. November 18 is the due date. But, Addie was 4 weeks early, so we'll see.

Oh, and I have to throw in two rather large Junior League events right in the middle: Hollydays and the Susan G. Komen Survivor Brunch. And, let's not forget Halloween. Wooohooo for October.

Everyone out there in the blogospher cross your fingers and toes that these two monumental events do not occur on the same day! And, say a little prayer for us too!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Addie at 2

I just read the blog of a dear friend where she wrote about some funny things her kids do everyday. I was inspired to do one as well, especially since I'll probably forget Addie at 2 once Sara makes her way into this world. Just so you know that our entire lives do not surround the potty . . . here are some funny things that Addie does at 2:

-She is a little OCD. Ok, maybe a LOT OCD. For example, she has to group her Legos by color and by type of Lego (aka, 4 pronged vs 6 pronged Legos). The different types of legos are not allowed to be in a tower together. And, the towers are usually color coordinated. I did not teach her this. I blame it on her OCD Auntie BB.

- She cannot run unless she waives her arms around in the air. It is pretty hysterical to watch her run around.

- She is very independent. She wants to pick our her own clothes and her own food.

- She loves Strawberry Shortcake, Elmo, My Little Pony, Caillou, and most all Disney movies. It is an 80s flashback every weekend at movie time.

- She loves to sing. I'm not sure that she really has natural talent. It is mostly just shouting to the music. Her favorite songs are ABCs, If You're Happy and You Know It, Wheels on the Bus and all of the intros to her favorite shows (see above).

- She loves to color. Coloring is also a hilarious endeavor. She wants to control the colors that you use and she usually will not mix her colors on a page.

- She loves to dance, usually at the dinner table.

- She loves to swim.

- She loves to "read" . . . this is in quotes because she really just tries to memorize the book when I read it and then make up the rest.

So . . . there is Addie in a nutshell at this age. She definitely keeps things interesting at our house!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Potty Time - The Sequel

Remember my last post, where at the end I was joyous in my little one's ability to go to the potty. Well . . . I should have waited a week to write that post. Since her first "good day" of pottying at school, she has flat out REFUSED to sit on the school potty. She will sit on it when I take her, but puts up a fight with the teachers. I am not sure if she is scared or just stubborn. Oh well, the teachers agreed to keep trying, so we are.

We are also having little success with pottying at home. Apparently the potty chart has lost its appeal. On Sunday, we had another 6 pair of wet panties before we went back to Pull-Ups.

So, I am back to my original thought about potty training - It is for the BIRDS! Ugh, I just hope that she can use the bathroom before she starts kindergarden. I mean, she should be able to do that by 5, right?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Potty Woes

Potty Training -- the two words that strike fear in the parents of toddlers everywhere. Well . . . now I know why . . .

Addie is 2 and 1/2 years old. All of the books say that 2 and 1/2 is plenty old enough to learn the art of pottying. So, this past weekend, as instructed by "Potty Training for Dummies," me and my little precious had "Potty Boot Camp." Addie woke up Saturday morning and it was full on potty time. My Mom was in town to help me with a little remodeling (posts on that later). Bless her heart, she got to start potty training by herself while I was out running some early morning errands. When I returned home, Addie had wet approximately 8 pairs of underwear in about 2 hours without one successful potty attempt. But, she refused to put on panties so we kept going. However, every time we took her to the potty we had a crying screaming fit about having to sit on it.

At the end of Day 1 we had 10 pairs of soaked drawers and NO successful potty time. I was beginning to think that Addie was not ready. I mean, the book says that even if your child has all of the signs of readiness but exhibits a "bad attitude" about pottying, then maybe they aren't ready. I figured the full out temper tantrum on the floor to avoid the potty was a "bad attitude," so I was willing to give in.

At the beginning of Day 2, Addie woke up and flat out refused diapers. She opted instead for "Tinka-bell" panties. So, she wore panties all day. 3 pairs of panties later, we had ONE successful potty attempt. Count it -- ONE successful potty attempt in 48 hours, but a small victory nonetheless.

On Day 3, Addie had to return to daycare. I took her in Pull-Ups, even though I was staunchly against using them. I just could not in good conscience send her to school in a pair of panties when I knew she would likely go on the floor. But, apparently those ladies at daycare know what they are doing. Addie had a "good" day with pottying. She succumbed to peer pressure and went with the bathroom because the other kids were doing it. (Aside - although I am thrilled at this development, I will now watch her very closely for any following into bad behavior!)

This morning, Addie woke up in a great mood, skipped to the bathroom and used her potty chair without issue. She was very excited to put a sticker on her potty chart that she then proceeded to hug and tell it that she "loved it best."

I guess the moral of this story is, at the end of the day, my little girl will be potty trained. When it doubt, give it up to the professionals! And, you can be replaced in your child's heart by a piece of poster board.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Nerve

Well, my sweet little baby has turned into a saucy sassy teenager. Seriously, I did not know that being 2 is the fast track to being 13. Last night when I tried to get a good night hug from my precious baby, she put her hand up and said "Stop Mommy, you're getting on my nerves." Yikes! I expected this kind of behavior from a bubble gum popping, high heel tapping, make-up wearing teenager. Not from my sweet bundle of joy who still looks cute in her Cinderella princess night gown. This snarky comment, coupled with an eye roll and an over-dramatic sigh are Addie's newest ways of letting me know exactly what she is thinking. I believe I've got a long road ahead!

Oh well . . . as my Mom says . . . "at least she's cute." And, she sure is . . .

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It's A . . . .


The McLin party of four in November will become Three Ladies and a Daddy. That's right, Baby No. 2 is a girl and instead of "baby" we are calling her by her given name - Sara Frances McLin. Everyone is very excited about a new girl in the house. Ryan is thrilled, but, a little freaked out. He keeps saying "well, there's another wedding." Good thing we have plenty of time to save up for it!

Addie was really excited at the ultrasound about "baby Sara." She has quickly decided that if she ignores the subject we will all quit talking about. Poor thing. It will be hard to ignore Baby Sara when she is a screaming infant.

I am thrilled to be decorating yet another pink and frilly nursery. And, for a bonus, we have probably every stitch of clothing this child will ever need. I need to thing of a cooler word for "hand me down" . . .

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Here comes Peter Cottontail . . .

Hopping down the bunny trail . . . Hippity Hoppity Easter's on its way . . . Well, I guess, Hippty Hoppity Easter went on its way. We had a traditional Jordan family Easter this year, with two egg hunts, a fish fry, Easter Sunday Service and lunch at the Lotus Club in Monroe.

Last year Addie was not really sure about hunting eggs. But, this year she really got into it. Here she is showing her Uncle Boo how it is done:

Another Jordan tradition is taking a family picture by the flower cross that is made by the children (with help from the very talented ladies of our church) during the service. Addie brought some pretty flowers for the cross. And, we took our family photo:

I must say, we are a pretty good looking group in our Easter best! Of course, the cross ALWAYS faces the sun, so every Easter this picture is squinty. But, check out the big smile on my precious Poppy's face! That just says it all!

Monday, May 23, 2011

McLin Party of Four

Well, I guess the title says it all on this one. We are expecting a new addition to our little family and are thrilled beyond measure! Baby McLin the sequel is due November 18, 2011 (precariously 14 days after Victor and Amanda's Nov. 4 nuptuals. Let's just say we are crossing our fingers that this little tyke doesn't think that Nov. 4 would be an awesome birthday!) Anyway, Addie had to share the news wearing her new Big Sister t-shirt.

She is not really sure what to think about the baby. She came with me to one of the ultrasounds and thought that the baby on the monitor was really neat. I just don't think that she understands that the cute little dot on the monitor will one day be a full blown screaming baby that will live with us all of the time. But, she does think that it is a girl. We find out on June 10 whether this little bundle will be dressed in blue or pink!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dancing Queen

Well, my little girl is finally following in Mommy's footsteps. While we do not always have the same interests - for instance she will not stop watching Elmo to come watch American Idol with me - we do share a love of music and DANCING. Since I saw that Addie was a girl in her 16 week ultrasound, I have been waiting for her to start dance class. Dancing was my outlet as a child . And, let's face it, I always danced it out in College too, maybe just a little differently. So, I want to introduce my little girl to this past time.

Addie is now really into singing and dancing. She loves songs with moves - "Wheels on the Bus" and "If You're Happy and You Know It" particularly. And, I have to brag, my little girl got Rhythm! Yay! Here is a pic of her dancing it out at Caitlin's birthday party. Notice she is dressed for the part in a tutu and with some accessories. Also notice yet another appearance of the pink New Balances, SHEESH!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Addie is recently obsessed with shoes. Not all shoes, just her pink New Balance tennis shoes that Gramms and Pops gave her for Christmas. She wears them all of the time with everything. In fact, I have to bribe her to wear other shoes for Church. She really believes that they go with everything: shorts, jeans, smocked dresses, pajamas . . . etc.

This morning I tried to get her to change shoes. She has on a precious outfit that has matching pink glitter Mary Janes. Yes, I said it, PINK GLITTER MARY JANES. These shoes are precious. Addie flat out refuses to wear these precious girly shoes. Instead, she opts for the pink New Balances, again!

Oh well, at least they are pink . . .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Mardi Gras!

The past week as been Carnival time in Louisiana. And, boy did I put the "fat" in Fat Tuesday. I mean, full on gluttony on fried catfish poboys and king cake. But, man was it worth it! Of course, now that it is Ash Wednesday, I am in full fast mode. Bring on the Lenten fasting and then the Easter gorging on candy. I am ready!

I have no pictures of my shame, but, how about instead a cute of pic of Addie in her Mardi Gras outfit. We didn't make the parades this year. But, she would have been ready!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Addie is 2!

Yes, I know, I've already exclaimed this milstone, but, this time I have pictures! I know, can you believe, I am actually posting and I have pictures. YAY!

I think that 2 is a pretty signifncant milestone. Kids change so much from one to two. And, two = officially a toddler. So, in honor of that big milestone we had to celebrate three times. Once on her actual birthday at school, then again at home, and then again that weekend.

Her party on the big day was dinner at home (Ryan's spaghetti and meatballs which is her favorite home cooked meal) and a cake from Oak Point Grocery. Quick aside ~ this grocery store in Watson, LA makes the BEST grocery store cakes. The white on white cake I bought for her birthday tasted like wedding cake. YUM! I was presently surprised at the quality, the decorating and the overall taste of the cake. It was wonderful! I mean, look at this thing . . .

And, of course, we took cupcakes to school for a party with her friends.
Her big birthday party was an Elmo-themed extravaganza. Well, maybe not an extravaganza, but we had fun! We had a tunnel for the kids (modeled below by Addie and Ryan) and an Elmo ball pit (courtsey of Uncle Victor). I also had a cake from Oak Point for this party. It depicted Elmo's World. And, while cute, could not top that precious Tinker Bell cake!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Christmas: McLin Style

Christmas this year, like every year, is a crazy time in my family. We spend our days trekking back and forth between Baton Rouge and Rayville and visit all of our family, extended family and friends that we claim as family. It is a great time, full of food, fun, presents and, well, family.

Addie was just about 2 at Christmas time, and that is a great age to be a kid at Christmas. Here is a breakdown of our Crazy Christmas complete with pictures:
1. We started Christmas a little early this year. The weekend before Christmas we spend with the Jordan family in Rayville. We had "Rayville Santa" at Leenie and Dooda's house. Addie was very excited because Leenie and Dooda (aka Rayvile Santa) brought her a kitchen and a few (ok lots) of other toys.
2. We came back from Rayvile and immediately attended the Baton Rouge Ballet Company's performance of the Nutcracker: A Tale from the Bayou. The Nutcracker is my all time favorite Christmas ballet. I used to love to perform this as a member of Twin City back in the day. Now, I am so excited to take my daughter to see it! The little girls were all dressed in their Chritsmas finery and had a ball:

3. This year we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with the McLins in Baton Rouge. Per tradition, we all attended Christmas Eve service and had gumbo at Gramms and Pops' house after. Per Jordan tradition, Ryan and I had to take family pictures in front of the tree when were dressed up to go to church. This was not Addie's favorite Christmas tradition this year, as you can see. But, we had fun trying to get a good shot. For some reason, she always poses better wtih Daddy. Hmmmmmm . . . Also per tradition, I awaited my bi-yearly call from the Yancey party where the Rayville crew is having an "adult Christmas Eve" while I am home putting together "Santa." The call this year did not disappoint and I got to be at the yearly throw down, if only via phone . . .

4. On Christmas morning, Santa visited our house for the first time since Addie has been born. She was not quite sure how that hot pink kitchen got in our house, but she was loving it!

5. Finally, we spent the rest of Christmas day at Gramms and Pops house with the whole McLin bunch. Addie spent the day playing with her cousins. And we spent the day eating. hahaha.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Now that I am FINALLY uploading pics to order from the past oh, I don't know 6 months or so, I am finding the cutest shots that I had forgotten that I took. This set is of Addie and her cousins during our annual cousin Christmas party. My sisters-in-law, Beth and Erin, started this party when their kids were Addie's age. This year the kids decorated a train cake and got to see Santa Claus riding a fire engine through the neighborhood.
Looking at these pictures highlights to me how hilarious all of us must look when we go anywhere. The kids, at this exact moment, are 5 (Caitlin), 4 (Cole), 3 (Amelia Kate) and 2 (Addie). Needless to say, it is INSANITY when we all get together. These pics kind of say it all:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yes, yes, I know, I know, it is February and the title of this post is "Thanksgiving." I realize that I am very behind. But, I'm just now uploading these pictures because, well, life has just now slowed down long enough for me to do it. And, I'm keeping my New Years resolution to blog more.

At Thanksgiving, Addie's school - First Baptist Child Development Center - has a program. The kids dress as various Thanksgiving characters - Pilgrims, Turkeys, Native Americans - and perform some Thanksgiving tunes. This year Addie's class were Indians and sang "One little, two little, three little Indians." As I said, Addie's class sang the song. Addie stood there with her thumb in her mouth and looked at the other children like they were nuts. I, of course, found this to be hilarious and laughed the entire time. Our whole video is of me laughing in the background. Oh well, I thought she was super cute in her Indian headress and shirt.
Here are a couple of pics from the performance. Notice Addie's complete lack of participation:

In fact, in this next shot, she became so enthralled with the performance that she turned around to watch the other kids sing:

Well, she may not be Shirely Temple, but she is sure entertaining to me!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Addie's Birthday

The McLin family had a wild week last week. Addie's birthday was Wednesday and we had an Elmo themed birthday party on Saturday, complete with a ball pit and tunnel that the kids loved. However, at some point all of the adults looked up and realized the kids were missing. Most of them had taken their snacks into Addie's room to watch TV . . . hmmmmm.

Addie had a blast, except for the birthday cake/singing part of the day. She HATED the singing and lit birthday candles. She hated this so much that the next day on Aunt Erin's birthday she cried again when we were singing to Erin. I hope she grows out of this! Here are some pics of Addie in her birthday t-shirt:
And, here is a pic that I just had to share. Somehow Ryan was able to catch this angelic picture of our baby girl on his cell phone:

How cute is that? And, how is that fair? I can't get this great of a shot with our camera!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My baby brother is ENGAGED!

All of you who know me, the only people who would read this blog, know that I have a baby brother . . . Victor. Victor goes by many names . . . No. 4, Vic, Boo, Uncle Boo, the Wizard . . . but he is about to get a new name "husband." Victor proposed to his lovely girlfriend Amanda in November.
And let me tell you, the Jordan clan is EXCITED to be joining forces with the Hebert clan!

So . . . now we are gearing up for a wedding! And, we are ready!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Addie is 2!

Addie is two today. And her mood as she woke up was a clear reflection of my own - Extreme sadness. Now, I did not stomp and cry like my two year old daughter, but I sure felt like it. I have been about to cry all week. At little things, like commercials, a sappy song, or a small dog on the side of the road. I now know the reason. No, it is not PMS, it is the fact that my baby girl is no longer a baby.
Being 2 ushers in a whole new world. The terrible twos . . . potty training . . . real friendships at school that are much more fun than mommy . . . preferring daddy to mommy . . . preferring school to mommy . . . you see where this is headed. Her independence = the termination of her dependence on well . . . Me. So, yes, I have turned this milestone in her life into a cry-fest for myself, but, sorry, I'm just sad today about it.
Here is a pic of my baby when she was still a baby:

Look how much she loved Mommy then!

Now look at my no longer baby:

I have been replaced by a large Bee pillow pet!

But . . . I'm also excited for Addie! She is getting so big! And, she is smart . . . scary smart. Too smart for me most of the time. She also talks all of the time, and she has started singing along to her DVDs in the car, which is hilarious! She doesn' t know all of the words, but she keeps at it! Her favorite songs right now are "ABCs" and "Barbara Manatee (from Veggie Tales)." She also LOVES 101 Dalmations, Tinker Bell and Elmo. But, her number 1 favorite will always be Elmo.