Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Addie is recently obsessed with shoes. Not all shoes, just her pink New Balance tennis shoes that Gramms and Pops gave her for Christmas. She wears them all of the time with everything. In fact, I have to bribe her to wear other shoes for Church. She really believes that they go with everything: shorts, jeans, smocked dresses, pajamas . . . etc.

This morning I tried to get her to change shoes. She has on a precious outfit that has matching pink glitter Mary Janes. Yes, I said it, PINK GLITTER MARY JANES. These shoes are precious. Addie flat out refuses to wear these precious girly shoes. Instead, she opts for the pink New Balances, again!

Oh well, at least they are pink . . .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Mardi Gras!

The past week as been Carnival time in Louisiana. And, boy did I put the "fat" in Fat Tuesday. I mean, full on gluttony on fried catfish poboys and king cake. But, man was it worth it! Of course, now that it is Ash Wednesday, I am in full fast mode. Bring on the Lenten fasting and then the Easter gorging on candy. I am ready!

I have no pictures of my shame, but, how about instead a cute of pic of Addie in her Mardi Gras outfit. We didn't make the parades this year. But, she would have been ready!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Addie is 2!

Yes, I know, I've already exclaimed this milstone, but, this time I have pictures! I know, can you believe, I am actually posting and I have pictures. YAY!

I think that 2 is a pretty signifncant milestone. Kids change so much from one to two. And, two = officially a toddler. So, in honor of that big milestone we had to celebrate three times. Once on her actual birthday at school, then again at home, and then again that weekend.

Her party on the big day was dinner at home (Ryan's spaghetti and meatballs which is her favorite home cooked meal) and a cake from Oak Point Grocery. Quick aside ~ this grocery store in Watson, LA makes the BEST grocery store cakes. The white on white cake I bought for her birthday tasted like wedding cake. YUM! I was presently surprised at the quality, the decorating and the overall taste of the cake. It was wonderful! I mean, look at this thing . . .

And, of course, we took cupcakes to school for a party with her friends.
Her big birthday party was an Elmo-themed extravaganza. Well, maybe not an extravaganza, but we had fun! We had a tunnel for the kids (modeled below by Addie and Ryan) and an Elmo ball pit (courtsey of Uncle Victor). I also had a cake from Oak Point for this party. It depicted Elmo's World. And, while cute, could not top that precious Tinker Bell cake!