Friday, July 29, 2011

Addie at 2

I just read the blog of a dear friend where she wrote about some funny things her kids do everyday. I was inspired to do one as well, especially since I'll probably forget Addie at 2 once Sara makes her way into this world. Just so you know that our entire lives do not surround the potty . . . here are some funny things that Addie does at 2:

-She is a little OCD. Ok, maybe a LOT OCD. For example, she has to group her Legos by color and by type of Lego (aka, 4 pronged vs 6 pronged Legos). The different types of legos are not allowed to be in a tower together. And, the towers are usually color coordinated. I did not teach her this. I blame it on her OCD Auntie BB.

- She cannot run unless she waives her arms around in the air. It is pretty hysterical to watch her run around.

- She is very independent. She wants to pick our her own clothes and her own food.

- She loves Strawberry Shortcake, Elmo, My Little Pony, Caillou, and most all Disney movies. It is an 80s flashback every weekend at movie time.

- She loves to sing. I'm not sure that she really has natural talent. It is mostly just shouting to the music. Her favorite songs are ABCs, If You're Happy and You Know It, Wheels on the Bus and all of the intros to her favorite shows (see above).

- She loves to color. Coloring is also a hilarious endeavor. She wants to control the colors that you use and she usually will not mix her colors on a page.

- She loves to dance, usually at the dinner table.

- She loves to swim.

- She loves to "read" . . . this is in quotes because she really just tries to memorize the book when I read it and then make up the rest.

So . . . there is Addie in a nutshell at this age. She definitely keeps things interesting at our house!

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